a fansite


... to CYBORG!

This site is a constant WIP!

Thanks for stopping by! This is Victorian Cyborg's crew site for the Petz games created by PF Magic. Here you'll find my personal collection of petz, a hex archive, a page about me, my stamp collection, and useful petz-y links. Below you will also find the rotating Crew Spotlight, which highlights one of my petz roughly every month or so. Be sure to check back when the spotlight changes to collect the new stamp!

Spark, a lovely secret santa gift from kathleen @ alohomora


Current Crew Spotlight:


Gender: Male
Breed: B+W Shorthair
Born: December 23, 2021
Original Owner: Bard@Shipwreck

Ribbon is a BWS hexed by Bard@Shipwreck and was a special gift given to me in 2021. Watching Ribbon grow has been a treat. This hex has everything I love- BWS personality, big fluffy tail, and lots of spots. Ribbon himself has the usual BWS charm of being both utterly adorable and a big cranky pants. He enjoys striking a show pose whenever the camera is out, and playing with the lid to the christmas gift box. Bard, Ribbon is very much loved here at CYBORG. Thank you!

Last Update:
July 13th, 2022

  • Free airtable base added to Crew page
  • New Spotlight Pet!
  • Toyz added

